by Ben Chiu » Fri Apr 12, 2013 7:37 pm
Hi, Clare!
I watched THE WALKING DEAD (TWD) 1st and 2nd season (even bought the first season on DVD). I haven't see anything from the 3rd season yet (so no spoilers, please!), but I have to say that I was a big disappointed in the 2nd season (it seemed like they were just wasting time to save money or something).
That said, I think TWD is a great show. I think I read somewhere that it's based on a well established comic. As much as I hate how most of what we see out there are remakes of old movies, old TV shows, fairy tales, and comics, this one is better than most. I've said in another message, but I'll say it again, it's the human drama that makes it interesting--regular folk in extraordinary situations.
I think I also read that the producers of the show are departing (it may have happened already) from the comic's storyline. I suppose we'll see who is better at story. If you keep killing off characters, how long can you go? It'll be interesting to watch on several levels.
~Imagining a world without hypothetical situations...