Mind Scans (TV Network Series) I want more!

Mind Scans (TV Network Series) I want more!

Postby malcolm » Fri May 31, 2013 6:28 pm

The movie "Mind Scans" has the potential for an ongoing plot, I hunger to experience more!

I bought the DVD after seeing this awesome show at one of the Galaxy Theaters, I watch the Mind Scans DVD over again and must be wearing it out. I want to see more of how "Mind Scans" technology is going to effect the world of players in the cast. This must continue as "Mind Scans II" or TV episodes, the Motion Picture was a teaser and I want more. Surely this can't just end with one Movie. It would in a sense be kind of cruel to not continue this beyond one Movie.

What about television episodes, is it possible ?
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Re: Mind Scans (TV Network Series) I want more!

Postby Ben Chiu » Sat Jun 01, 2013 9:39 am

Hi, Malcolm:

Thank you for the kind note.

Because the world of the story is so rich and virtually (pardon the pun) unlimited, when Steven L. Kent read me his short story (the one that MindScans is based on) it immediately occurred to me that I should re-tell it in a way that would be easily adaptable to a TV series. And of course I think that most film makers always keep in mind the possibility of sequels from the very start. So these were two possibilities that we planned for very early in the process.

I've even gone as far as outlining 4 episodes (which could be shuffled together into a MindScans sequel--a "planned coincidence" :D ). Actually with material like this, sequels/episodes are much more entertaining story wise because all of the heavy exposition has been taken care of in the pilot/first movie. So the series would really take off and be more of a ride from this point onward because we could just run with the ball if we were to continue it. I'm sure you can imagine the fun we could have with it all (the stories).

While it may seem like a no-brainer to continue onward, we still have to see/prove how popular MindScans is first. So while the plans are there, we won't continue with sequel(s) or pitch the series idea until we see how well we do in wide distribution.

Then there are several difficult factors that need to be sorted out like we need to re-cast half of the main characters and things like that. And if we did a series we'd have to "retool" and bring in good writers and capable directors as two to three episodes would need to be sequenced to shoot in cycles, but we have very limited resources (and I only have so many hours in a day), so we have to pick and choose our battles.

So in the grand scheme of things, the studio is working on two other features (one that has very strong series potential--actually, much greater than MindScans--I know that must sound like hype, but once we release news about it, I'm sure everyone will agree) because they make more sense right now and has put MindScans sequels on the back burner for now.

Don't get me wrong, as a film maker and sci-fi fan at heart, I find the MindScans world fascinating, seductive, rich and ripe/relevant today, and I'd love to continue exploring it, but we have to wait and see if it make sense. If my experiences with people who have screened the movie are not unique, pretty much everyone has questions and thoughts about it. As neat as Facebook and Twitter are, they really aren't conducive to meaningful discussions like Forums like this one are.

In the end, the biggest factor that would make MindScans sequels possible is a fan base. And for a micro studio like ours, only a grass root, word-of-mouth effort will make a huge difference because we don't have a big sledge hammer like the big studios have to hit the marketing/advertising efforts with. So thank you for your post as it'll help get the MindScans ball rolling!
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Ben Chiu
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