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Login with Social Media feature

PostPosted: Thu May 09, 2013 1:55 pm
by Ben Chiu
We've added a Login with Social Media feature. You'll find it in the upper right hand corner of the page if you're not already logged in.

The logins we support are Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, Yahoo, Live (formerly MSN and Hotmail), Blogger, and Wordpress. (We'll add others as time goes on, but these should cover most users.)

EDIT: (Picture upload test)

Login with Social Media icons
loginoptions.png (8.42 KiB) Viewed 47979 times

What we suggest is you login to your Social Media service before coming to the Forums because you'll get right in after accepting/allowing Alliance Digital Studios access to your email information and avoid the email verification process.

If you do run into a problem, try refreshing the page and clicking the Social Media login icon of your choice again. This seems to "fix" most issues.

Let us know if you run into any problems.