SITG stars Natalie Wood, Warren Beatty, Pat Hingle (his first movie), Gary Lockwood, Phyllis Diller, and a bunch of other names who were unknowns at the time. What initially attracted me to watch this was the lighting. Hollywood lighting! Once I started watching I was sucked in by the story and actors/acting. I couldn't help but start thinking, what happened to movies today?
Story, acting, and lighting!! What a concept!

Anyway, while the story is tame by today's standards, I imagine the subject and risque photography was scandalous at the time. But what I think is perhaps most relevant to me is the time period the movie takes place in--just before the great depression. (We should start up a list of movies from this time period.)
Anyway, bottom line: SITG is perhaps a little melodramatic overall, but it's an enjoyable watch, albeit gut-wrenching, romantic drama.