Anyway, I've been re-watching these gems and have a lot to say about them, but I thought I'd just list a few of them and will return to comment at a later date.
+ The French Connection (Gene Hackman and Roy Scheider) - Great movie - Gritty and exciting
+ The Hunters (Robert Mitchum and Robert Wagner) - Fantastic aerial cinematography and mostly excellent special F/X
+ Straw Dogs (Dustin Hoffman) - I never realized it before, but was this where John Hughes got the idea for HOME ALONE?

+ High Anxiety (Mel Brooks) - Very funny if you're familiar with Hitchcock. Probably where the guys who made movie genre comedies got the ideas
+ Manhattan (Woody Allen) - Gordon Willis' cinematography makes this movie--I can overlook the rest because of it.
+ Mad Max (Mel Gibson) - I lost my VHS and DVD copy somehow -- probably lent it out... gotta start keeping records of who has what...
+ 12 Angry Men (too many to list) - Always amazed how the writing is able to keep 12 characters separated and interesting
+ Yellow Sky (Gregory Peck, Anne Baxter, Richard Widmark) - Never saw this one before. Will keep you posted
+ Escape from New York (Kurt Russell) - It's a silly movie, but it's fun. Lost my copy so this is another replacement.
OK, the movie I forgot was
+ Notorious (Cary Grant, Ingrid Bergman) - Considered to be Hitchcock's most romantic movie.
So have you guys seen any of these?