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PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 12:32 pm
by Ben Chiu
Although the trailers look exciting (and who doesn't like Scarlett Johansson, right?), they never sparked anything in me that this was a "must see." It just seemed like a female cross between the Bourne series and any number of other super hero origin movies. Well, that's what LUCY is.

HOWEVER, while all of this is a setup for a pass for some, and relegated it to my "if I'm bored" movie list, LUCY is different. I didn't realize it until after the movie, but this was directed by the Luc Besson, the man behind THE FIFTH ELEMENT (an amazing movie) and writer of THE TRANSPORTER series (I loved the first one, but it went down hill from there). So while LUCY has the usual action, sex, and violence found in the genre, there is Luc Besson's creative flare that kept me fixated to the screen while watching it.

If there is any downside to the movie, like Besson's other works, logic takes a backseat to the visuals and action, but not in the WTF kind of way that we see in Michael Bay movies.

What we have is a movie that's better than it appears--a textbook case of marketing dropping the ball.

Although LUCY isn't on the same level as THE FIFTH ELEMENT or THE TRANSPORTER, it's entertaining like her brethren.