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Postby Ben Chiu » Mon Apr 14, 2014 4:32 pm

I'd seen THX-1138 (THX) once way back mid to last 70's, but the movie on my new DVD was not the same one I saw back then. My guess is the VHS version I saw back then was Lucas' student film of the same title (I watched it at a fellow cinephile's home). All I could remember about it was it was George Lucas' first movie, bald heads, and the title has been used many time in Lucas products and inside jokes over the years, so when it turned up on sale, I thought I should watch it again post film school et al.

Well, THX is rather highbrow and I guess it's making a statement about society. Still, unfortunately, I found it forgettable--I still only remember bits and pieces after watching it very recently. I think the bits that made the most impression on me now is I can see (and hear) many pieces/beginnings of all things STAR WARS. One of the things that surprised me the most is Robert Duvall. Either he wasn't in Lucas' student film (does anyone know) or I had forgotten. Anyway, you can tell even back that that that guy can act! (I looked it up and it surprised me that Duvall played Maj. Frank Burns in the M*A*S*H* movie the year before!)

Anyway, I enjoyed THX, but perhaps more as something to study than entertainment. I didn't buy the 2-disc special edition (I wouldn't be surprised if that was also another Lucas creation!) that has his student film version, but I think I might have to track that down to see if that jogs my memory of what I watched back in the 70's. :roll:
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Ben Chiu
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