Interested in appearing in an Alliance Digital Studios production?
Submit your headshots and resume' through our Actor Profile portal!
We only accept digital headshots and resumes' and no longer accept hard copies. Please note that staff and casting are the only people authorized to view your Acting profile, so your submission will not be seen by the public or other members.
To submit your digital Actor Profile:
1. Go to: http://forums.alliancedigitalstudios.com and login (Create an account if you don't already have one.)
2. Fill in your information here: http://forums.alliancedigitalstudios.com/ucp.php?i=profile&mode=actor_profile
(Valid headshot formats .jpg, .png, .jpeg, .gif, and .pdf no larger than 5MB in size.)
3. Click Submit at the bottom of the page
We look forward to reviewing your information.
TIP: If you need to update your Actor Profile submission, you can find your Actor Profile page by going to your User Control Panel (upper left just below Board Index icon), click the Profile tab, and then select Actor Profile on the left menu.